The so-called malicious attack on Jesus Christ and the Church is, for me, unbelievably false. I mean, if I were a faithful Christian and believed in the utmost verity of the facts presented to me by the bible, then my unwavering faith would do me justice and not care about the book (which is presented to masses as fiction). The supposed cover-up, if it weren't true in the first place, what is there to cover-up? Oh god, (pardon the pun), but the Da Vinci Code was wonderfully written and one of the best stories ever written.
The movie, on the other hand, was wonderfully written and it brought to life, the characters and the symbols purported by the brilliant author. What's interesting is the vivid portrayal of the silas and the gruesome self-torture that he applied on himself.
Why is the church attempting to cover-up the story/book/movie?
It claimed that Jesus Christ had a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene, the professed adulterer of the bible stories. The basis of the Christian faith was derived from Constantine, pagan rituals and such. The revered mother of the Church should have been Mary Magdalene despite her immoral image (in the Bible Stories) and finally because if everything stated above was true, then paganism, witchcraft, and other insignificant beliefs are more realistic than Christianism itself.
Test your faith. Take a time off and read the book or watch the movie. :)